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API Reference


AnimatableThis module deals with creating and modifying Animations.
AnimatableEventsVarious ways to attach and detach event listeners to an Animation.
AnimatableTypesA collection of types to support Animatable.
ExtensionDefines the types and functions related to the most bare-bones extension.
ExtensionStackA stack of extensions that can be mounted to an animation.
ListenersGeneric utility functions and types for listeners to non-cascading events.
ModeSupports creating modes which allow for the easy toggling of ExtensionStacks.
RecursiveHelpersProvides general helper functions for working with recursive objects. Especially useful for allowing extensions to mask out (not affect) certain children of an object.
Vec2A collection of 2D vector math functions and a few other generic scalar operations.
module:InterpSeveral interpolation function constructors.
sleepSleep for a given number of seconds, supporting await syntax.